最初叫做十大博彩推荐排名医学院, Dartmouth’s medical school was founded by Nathan Smith. 它是美国第四所医学院(在它之前是1765年宾夕法尼亚大学的医学院), 1767年的哥伦比亚, 1783年在哈佛大学毕业). 注意到康涅狄格河上游河谷地区缺乏医疗专业人员, 1796年8月,史密斯向十大博彩推荐排名学院董事会请愿,要求出资建立一所医学院,为该地区培养更多的医生. The board approved the request, and Smith began lecturing on November 22, 1797.
1890 – Dartmouth Hospital Association purchases land at the northern end of Hanover
Dr. 卡尔顿P. 霜, 十大博彩推荐排名医学院院长, 领导新成立的十大博彩推荐排名医院协会, which purchased a small piece of land at the northern end of Hanover. 他联系了他的朋友, 生意兴隆的旅馆老板, 海勒姆希区柯克, who embraced the prospect of building a small hospital in the area, 这个设施不仅为病人服务,而且还为医生和护士的培训提供场所.
先生的死. Hitchcock’s wife in 1887 prompted 海勒姆希区柯克 and Dr. 卡尔顿P. 霜 to move forward with their plan to build a small hospital. The new hospital was built in Hanover with funds donated by Mr. 希区柯克并以此作为纪念 玛丽·梅纳德·希区柯克. 医院继续发展,并在1913年至20世纪80年代之间增加了几项大型补充. 其他机构也加入了这个建筑群, 包括学院医务室, 希区柯克诊所的医师团体执业, 还有一所护理学校.
1914 – Doctor of Medicine degree ends at Dartmouth Medical School
医学博士学位于1914年结束,此后一直持续了几十年, 学生在DMS就读两年,然后转到其他学校获得正式的医学学位.
The Hitchcock Clinic was one of the first organized group practices in the United States, 当然是新英格兰最早的一个. 20世纪20年代(以及随后的几十年)的医疗实践主要是私人执业或“个人”模式. 1927年6月,正是在这样的背景下. 约翰玩滚球的人, 在汉诺威大街上行医的外科医生, 向汉诺威的另外四位医生珀西·巴特莱特提出了多专业团体实践的想法, 哈罗德Des-Brisay, 哈利法, 和约翰·吉尔. 在一起, 他们组成了一个伙伴关系,并向玛丽希区柯克纪念医院(MHMH)董事会请愿,要求在医院内进行独家执业. Three of the four had done their training at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, so in many ways the model of the Hitchcock Clinic was based on the Mayo Clinic model. The plan was approved by the MHMH Board of Trustees in 1927 and from that time onward, 希区柯克诊所的成员, 实际上, a sole franchise in practicing within the walls of the hospital.
1946 – The Hitchcock Clinic becomes incorporated under New Hampshire law
Initially, the Hitchcock Clinic group practice took the legal form of a partnership. 在小组实践中, 没有这些创新,农村企业的长期成功就会受到损害. In 1946, 最初的希区柯克诊所合伙关系被解散,诊所根据新罕布什尔州的法律被合并为希区柯克诊所, 公司.
Although many expansions to the hospital took place over the years, the most important addition came as a result of a generous gift from a Woodstock woman, 玛丽安·盖拉德·福克纳. Her donation supported a major expansion of the hospital, 当时位于汉诺威的梅纳德街, 叫做福克纳故居. Around 1970, the hospital doubled the height of Faulkner House by adding four floors. 到那时为止, 垂直发展似乎是扩张的唯一途径, 因为在接下来的10年里,6座新的医学院大楼将关闭东边,以进行可能的扩建.
1974 – Full 4-year Doctor of Medicine degrees resume at Dartmouth Medical School
恢复完整的四年制医学博士学位的部分原因是医学院与玛丽希区柯克纪念医院和希区柯克诊所的密切合作, 他们共同致力于通过组建十大博彩推荐排名-希区柯克医疗中心(DHMC)成为一个学术医疗中心.
1983 – The Hitchcock Clinic becomes a non-profit organization
In 1983, the clinic leaders voted to discard its formal for-profit corporate structure, 去掉“公司”.,从法律上变成了它一直以来的性质——一个非营利组织. 此时此刻, it was recognized that without a financially strong hospital, the clinic could not attract and retain quality physician members. And without a strong medical staff, MHMH could not survive financially.
到20世纪80年代初, 越来越明显的是,医疗中心的物理设备是不够的, especially for the hospital and clinic but certainly for the medical school. The decisions made at that time set the stage for developing an academic medical center.
最初的计划是扩展到杜威机场, 在医学院北边, 但我担心交通堵塞和停车问题, 但被汉诺威城拒绝了. 十大博彩推荐排名学院, 有向北扩张的长期计划吗, offered DHMC a large portion of its Gile Tract on Route 120. The thirteen-acre building site was surrounded by about 200 acres of woodlands.
The “Lebanon Option” was agreed upon and planning began in 1985. 1988年开始建设,1991年完工. The planning and design for the new DHMC was unique from the start. 走廊宽阔,天窗充足,让自然光尽可能进入任何地方. The move from the Hanover location to the Lebanon site took place on October 5, 1991.
1999 -共享决策中心
The Center for Shared Decision Making opened in 1999 as the first center in the U.S. dedicated to encouraging doctors and patients to make decisions together. 提供病人决定援助和支持围绕预约服务的准备工作,目前由 病人支援队.
In 2009, 十大博彩推荐排名-希区柯克董事会批准了一个旨在有效协调资源的综合卫生系统的形成, 扩大获得新罕布什尔州唯一的学术医疗中心提供的专业服务和研究的机会, 提高新罕布什尔州和佛蒙特州东部社区医疗服务的价值和质量. The health system was formed through the creation of a “parent” corporation, 十大博彩推荐排名-希区柯克健康(D-HH), 最初有两个提供者成员, Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital and the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic, which includes community-based physician group practices in Concord, 基恩, 曼彻斯特和纳舒厄.
在此期间, 诊所领导促进了康科德诊所小组实践的发展和成长, 曼彻斯特, 纳舒厄和基恩. Outreach programs continued as did programs in medically underserved areas. 另外, 通过创建希区柯克联盟, 医院与本地区其他医院和提供者组织建立了伙伴关系,以协调本地区保健需求的规划.
在此期间, the clinic changed its name to the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic, 反映了与学院日益增长的合作关系. The Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic and MHMH subsequently integrated their governance, 财务及营运, 同时保持独立的企业身份, to the advantage of the clinical enterprise and the medical school.
为了继续蓬勃发展,需要进一步改变诊所和医院的法律结构,以创造更高的效率,并反映医院和诊所之间合作和整合的深刻根源. 正是在这种情况下,诊所和医院的公司章程于2013年进行了修订,以便为每个实体创建镜像章程, 包括镜像董事会. 而十大博彩推荐排名-希区柯克诊所和MHMH继续保持独立的企业身份, since 2013 they have operated in an even more integrated fashion.
Since 2013, 5 new provider affiliates joined the D-HH system: 新伦敦医院, Mt. 阿斯卡尼医院和健康中心, 柴郡医疗中心, 爱丽丝·派克纪念医院, and the Visiting Nurse and Hospice of Vermont and New Hampshire.
新系统产生了近20亿美元的收入,是新罕布什尔州最大的私营雇主. As New Hampshire’s only academic medical system with the only Level 1 trauma center, D-HH系统是该州最大的医疗保健提供者,也是佛蒙特州第二大医疗保健提供者. 24家十大博彩推荐排名-希区柯克诊所在新罕布什尔州和佛蒙特州提供流动服务. We serve more than 30 percent of the population of 曼彻斯特, 25 percent of the population in Nashua and 20 percent of the population of Concord. 我们关心佛蒙特州40%的公民.
In 2022, Dartmouth-Hitchcock 健康 rebranded as 十大博彩推荐排名卫生. 新名称反映了我们卫生系统的显著增长和相互依存,并为我们的未来奠定了基础. 我们的新品牌是我们战略计划的一部分,旨在提高十大博彩推荐排名健康学术医疗系统的知名度,并重申我们作为本地区医疗保健提供者和雇主首选的地位, and our commitment to provide world-class care in the fabric of our communities.